Training the 3D Human Machine

This is a Non CE Course
with a duration of 1.5 Hours

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Lesson Plan

Training the 3D Human Machine is a comprehensive educational program focused on correcting movement and improving dysfunction by improving rotational movement patterns.  Multiple options are available to meet your programming and equipment needs. This course is a complete guide to assessing and training transverse plane movement.  In this video collection, you get everything you need to get people moving and feeling better by changing how they rotate. This video series presents a step-by-step approach to training the transverse plane. There is also a 57-page manual to accompany the video series available once the course is purchased.

Duration: 1 hour 38 minutes

– Identify dysfunctional movement patterns in athletes
– Recognize the transverse plane and its function
– Demonstrate corrective exercise movements
– Discuss common questions related to rotational movement patterns.
– Why rotation matters, quality of movement
– Foundations of Rotation: Mobility Foundation of Rotation

Course Instructor

Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC Mitch Hauschildt MA, ATC

Mitch Hauschildt, MA, ATC, CSCS serves as the Prevention, Rehab, and Physical Performance Coordinator for 17 sports at Missouri State University. His sports medicine background is diverse, also serving as the strength and conditioning coach for Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball and Volleyball during his time with at MSU. Prior to working in college athletics, Mitch trained athletes in the private sector of all ages and abilities. Mitch is also the founder and president of Maximum Training Solutions, a full service Sports Medicine and Sports Performance consultancy. Mitch is a noted speaker on both a regional and national level, and has been published multiple times in professional journals and coaching websites.