Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5)

This is a Non CE Course
with a duration of 9.5 Hours

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Lesson Plan

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This course provides an integrated education for the Doctor of Chiropractic in the science and art of lumbar spine disorders. Detailed literature reviews covering the crisis of lumbar disorders in patient populations, the role of spinal manipulative therapy and structural correction of sagittal lumbar spine will be covered. Normal average and ideal values for the lumbar lordosis will be reviewed. Detailed categories of thorax and pelvic postures, spine kinematics and abnormalities of the thoraco-lumbar-pelvic spine will be learned. The Chiropractor will learn appropriate application and timing of postural and functional exercises for the lumbar spine designed to correct spinal subluxation and strengthen the lumbar and thoracic spine tissues. The Chiropractor will be introduced to 14 categories of sagittal lumbar traction and 3 methods of coronal thoraco-lumbar traction with demonstrations for structural rehabilitation of the lumbar spine. Indications and contraindications to these new structural rehabilitation procedures will be reviewed. The details of case management using these structural rehabilitation methods will be covered using a variety of case studies for a comprehensive picture of clinical application of this course material. A survey of research material will be reviewed supporting the utilization and efficacy of CBP technique structural rehabilitation treatment methods across a population of patients.


  • Review models for chiropractic assessment, intervention, and outcome
  • Recognize alignment value for the lumbar spine
  • Describe categories of sagittal lumbar traction and 3 methods of coronal thoraco-lumbar traction
  • Define a patient specific, evidence based CBP Rehabilitative Program of care terms of frequency and duration of care
  • Review literature and documentation


You can start and stop the course at any time. The course is available in your account for 6 months
A test is provided at the end of the course with 31 questions, 75% score required. You have 5 attempts and 2 hours to complete the test.

Target Audience: Doctor of Chiropractic
Prerequisite: None
Disclosure: Dr. Deed Harrison is the President / CEO of Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®)Technique & Seminars and is the President of CBP NonProfit, Inc. – a spinal research foundation.
Content disclosure: This course does not focus on any product or service.
Course access: 6 months, course will be available in your account, no download required. The course can be stopped and resumed.

Outline: (9.5 hours)

A quiz with 23 questions is required at the end of the course. You have 2 hours to complete the quiz, 3 attempts, 75 % score required to receive a Verification of Attendance or Continuing Education Credit certificate.

Hours 1-2
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine & Relationship to Chiropractic.

  • The difference and similarities between functional and structural lumbar spine rehabilitation procedures,
  • Systematic review of spinal manipulative therapy and CBP Research for lumbar spine disorders: evidence on pain improvements and frequency and duration of Chiropractic intervention,
  • Basic biomechanics of thoraco-lumbar spine postural displacements: disc and muscular loads leading to acceleration of lumbar degeneration and disorders,
  • Review of the Literature Defining the Lumbar Lordosis in Health & Disease
  1. Ideal and Average values in adults and children,
  2. Lumbar lordosis, back pain, and disability syndromes,
  3. Sagittal lumbar alignment & degeneration of the disc and vertebra,

2 Hr. CE. Lecture/ Clinical Science                  

Hours 3
Understanding the Posture Spine Connection & Abnormal Lumbar Configurations:

  • Lumbar spinal kinematics and coupling for thoracic-lumbo-pelvic posture displacements:
  • Double and triple postural combinations and their associated spinal kinematic appearance,
  • Differentiating ‘simple’ postural displacement patterns of the spine versus complicated, injury related spine displacement types and subluxations.

1 Hr. CE. Principles of Practice or 1 hr X-ray           

Hour 4
Body Weighting and Dynamic Thoraco-Lumbar-Pelvic Braces for Lumbar Rehabilitation

  • History of and clinical indications for use of body weighting for reducing postural/spinal subluxations of the thoracic and lumbo-pelvic region,
  • Clinical indications for dynamic postural/spine rehabilitation using thoraco-lumbar remodeling braces,
  • Case presentations of patients with lumbar spine disorders describing the details of patient management using body weighting and dynamic braces.

1 Hr. CE. Practices/Principles/NMS Diag;                                                                        

Mirror Image Exercises of the Thoracic and Lumbo-Pelvic Region

  • Mirror image exercise implementation and application into a chiropractic practice: equipment needs, timing, and appropriate supervision of patient populations,
  • Mirror image exercise for thoraco-lumbar-pelvic postural displacements,
  • Mirror image exercise for strength and conditioning in thoraco-lumbar postural displacements.

1 Hr. CE. Lab-Lecture, Technique-CBP                                                               

Hours 6-8
Practical Demonstration Set-Ups of Indication vs. Contraindications for Lumbar Extension and Translation Traction Methods                   

  • Radiographic indications vs. contra-indications for selecting patient application for lumbar extension-curve traction corrective methods
  • How to Progress the Patient into Lumbar Spine Traction Procedures,
  • 3 Types of Sagittal Thoraco-Lumbar Traction Methods with 14 categories of sagittal radiographic subluxations,
  1. Supine 2-Way Lumbar 3-point bending traction method,
  2. Seated and Standing Lumbar spine traction methods,
  3. Thoraco-Lumbar remodeling spine traction methods,
  • Coronal & Sagittal plane thoraco-lumbar translation traction methods,
  • Postural Traction for Coronal Plane Displacements of the cervical spine,
  • Traction Procedures for disc herniations and canal stenosis of the lumbar spine
  • Home prescription of sagittal corrective orthotics: Indications vs. contraindications—Denneroll orthotic
  • Case management based on radiographic, clinical, and patient perspectives CBP equipment and patient needs.

3 Hr. CE. Lab, Technique-CBP      or 3 hr X-ray / Radiology

Hours 9-10
Mirror Image Lumbar Spine Traction Publications, *Procedures and Protocols Case Management & Studies Documenting Correction of the Lumbar Spine

  • 2- Non randomized clinical control trials
  • 3 randomized clinical control extension lumbar traction procedures for rehabilitation of lumbar lordosis in chronic back pain.
  • Types of lumbar spine disorders that have been found to respond to corrective chiropractic care: back pain, back disability, range of motion, disc herniation, radiculopathy.
  • Frequency, duration, and clinical guidelines of care for CBP’s structural rehabilitation.
  • Indications and contra-indications for prescribing the lumbar denneroll orthotic to rehabilitate the sagittal lumbo-pelvic region.

2 Hr. CE. Lecture / Clinical Sciences  

Lesson Breakdown:
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Session 1 – 2:27:57
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Session 2 part 1 – 58:27
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Session 2 part 2 – 59:43
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Session 3  – 37:26
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Session 4 – 42:10
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Session 5 – 1:07:14
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Session 6 – 1:03:21
Structural Rehabilitation of the Lumbar Spine (Module 5) Lumbar Denneroll – 1:31:39


Continuing Education regulations may change. Please verify information with your licensure board.

Doctor of Chiropractic course approval:
(see approval information below)
Alaska, California (approved 1 hour Cat B Diagnostic Testing, 4 hours Cat B Basic Science, 2 hours Cat B Rehabilitation, 3 hours Cat A Adjustive Technique – valid until June 30, 2023), Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia (board approved), Florida (approval 20-793730), Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York approval NYSCB 3141 valid until 5/23/2023, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.

PACE approval: ID # 8963
WebExercises is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. PACE (Providers of Approved Continuing Education) is a Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) organization.

CCE accredited Chiropractic College:
WebExercises is sponsored by a CCE accredited Chiropractic College, Cleveland University-Kansas City. This course meets the appropriate standards for continuing education and qualifies for 11 CEUs (hours) in the following states:
Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Michigan.


Course Instructor

Deed Harrison, DC Deed Harrison, DC

Deed E. Harrison, D.C., graduated from Life-West Chiropractic College in 1996. Dr. Harrison has developed and researched original spinal rehabilitation procedures and has lectured to thousands of Chiropractors in over 700 educational conferences around the world. He has authored approximately 160 peer-reviewed spine related publications, 7 spine textbooks, and numerous conference proceedings. He is a highly respected chiropractic researcher, educator, and authority in today’s profession. Dr. Harrison is / has been a manuscript reviewer for numerous peer-reviewed Spine journals including: Spine, Clinical Biomechanics, Clinical Anatomy, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, the European Spine Journal, BMC Complimentary Alternative Medicine, and BMC Musculo-Skeletal Disorders. Dr. Harrison is a past member to the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS), is a former International Chiropractors Association’s (ICA) Nevada State Assembly Representative member; and is the acting Chair of the PCCRP Chiropractic Radiography Guidelines. He formerly held a position on the Chiropractic Physicians Board of Nevada and is a life time member of the ICA. Currently, Dr. Harrison is the President / CEO of Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®) Technique & Seminars, is the President of CBP NonProfit, Inc. – a spinal research foundation, and is the Clinical Director of the Ideal Spine Health Center in Eagle, ID, USA.