5 Powerhouse Places to Work for Chronic Hip Pain

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with a duration of 1 Hour

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Ida Rolf said, ‘Where you think it is, it ain’t.’ It’s all connected. No body part functions alone.

The hip is a complex area and pain may or may not be related to the joint itself. So where do you start? View this webinar to learn the 5 essential body regions that may be related to chronic hip pain.

These are: 1. Sternum 2. Diaphragm 3. Adductor Canal 4. Sacrum 5. Inguinal ligament


● Describe how to assess the areas in 2-minutes

● Apply quick manual resets

● Discuss therapy applications

● Define movement options


Course Access:
On Demand – the course is available for 1 year.
Subscription – the course is available as long as you have the account.
You can start and stop the course at any time.

Target Audience: Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapy, Doctor of Chiropractic, Occupational Therapy
Prerequisite or materials needed: None
Instructional Level: Essential
Disclosure: No relevant information to disclose
Content disclosure: This course does not focus on any product or service.

Content outline: Introduction, outline – 1 min
What is Chronic Hip pain, what is pain? – 4 min
Assessment (history, examination, mobility and stability, red flags) – 7 min
How it is all connected, 5 areas to assess and demonstration of techniques – 33 min
Movement / Exercise demonstration – 10 min

Continuing Education regulations may change. Please verify information with your licensure board.

Athletic Trainers: WebExercises is an approved provider for the BOC, provider P10199. This course is approved in all states for Athletic Trainers. WebExercises is approved in Florida and Arizona and attendance will be filed with CE Broker. Topic: Intermediate

Physical Therapy Approval for this course: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire,  North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

Doctor of Chiropractic course approval: (see approval information below) Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia (approval 2021-704 Adjustive Technique), Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee (board reviewed and approved), Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.

PACE approval: ID # 8278 – 1 hour WebExercises is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. PACE (Providers of Approved Continuing Education) is a Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) organization. Approved providers offer the highest standards of education and abide by guidelines and standards outlined by PACE to maintain approval status. Courses need to be listed with PACE and receive an approval number. PACE approved providers are accepted by the following Chiropractic State Boards:  Alaska, Connecticut, DC,  Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming.

CCE accredited Chiropractic College: WebExercises is sponsored by a CCE accredited Chiropractic College, Cleveland University-Kansas City. This course meets the appropriate standards for continuing education and qualifies for 1 CEUs (hour) in the following states: Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Michigan.

Webinar Recording

Course Instructor

Perry Nickelston, DC Perry Nickelston, DC

Dr. Perry Nickelston, DC, NKT, FMS, SFMA is owner of the Pain Laser Center, LLC in Waldwick, NJ and Stop Chasing Pain his educational company dedicated to teaching people how to move smarter, move better and feel great. Creator of Primal Movement Chains: Moving Beyond Mobility courses across the world. Advisory Board Member for the American Institute for Medical Laser Application. Teacher, writer and educator on all things movement.

5 Powerhouse Places to Work for Chronic Hip Pain